Principal's Corner
Mrs. Sherry Prange
Sent to Serve
Our school theme this year is drawn from Matthew 20:28 "Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." We believe that as individuals and as school family, we are called to serve every day and in every context because Jesus was “Sent to Serve” as our Savior. Jesus’ saving service brings us forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.
At Christ Our Savior students have the opportunity to serve and live out their faith in a variety of ways. Our students are active in their service to their communities and their home churches. Students in our FFA Chapter have shared some of their garden produce with a local food pantry. Our student council has sponsored food drives, blood drives, and collected items for a local pregnancy care center and for Christmas gifts to needy families. Last year our volleyball team held a "Volley for the Troops" game to provide care packages to Armed Services Personnel.